Take a step into the world of herbs…
Herbalism uses herbs for curing everyday ailments and increasing well-being and vitality. Interest in natural health and healing is on the rise, and herbalism, one of our most ancient and valuable healing practices, is rising right along with it. Some of us may have learned the value of gardening and foraging for wild foods and remedies from parents or grandparents…
Herbs are as well connected with the Universe.
You will have opportunity to get familiar with many herbs on my events and workshops..
For now, i will just say:
They birthed us and from that very moment onwards they were upbringing us to be ready for a one-size-fits-all life. They taught us that is the way to live.
Under whose fitted measures?
Under whose rules?
Those framed molds in which they put us only leave room for satisfying others’ expectations, imposed norms and rules, all in order to sustain the parasitic social order created so that only a few selected can live into abundance – all at the expense of the rest of humanity who receive crumbs for their labor and work their whole life to be granted the mercy of peaceful being after retirement. And most of the human souls are part of this storyline, we knit it day after day and we convince ourselves that this is how it should be.
But is that the truth?
The awakened souls have already released their loud cry and their light have been slowly penetrating through this imposed fog on our lives, loudly calling the other souls to cry out loud as well in all their beauty, to release themselves from the caging molds they were put in and to feel in-deep the call of these destined, fated times that are inevitably leading us towards a very different world, primordial, forgotten, created for the true human nature. It seems that in these centuries-long fogs human souls have forgotten who they truly are and why they have been birthed in this bodily garment and form of life. But here they are, these destined times are knocking on this World’s doors and shall remind each and every one of us that we are not as nearly as insignificant and worthless as they make us believe we are, that we are infinite in our spirit form and that in this life we bought in us the holly seed of the knowledge and wisdome of the perfect creation and the power of creation identical to that of the sole Creator.
Our souls are slowly starting to remember that their true nature are not only the trees and the grass and the flowers, but rather that their true nature is their intertwining with the Planets of our Solar Constellation which tirelessly and perfectly move the elements of the ether so that life itself can procreate and evolve into its sublime form of being, gently swaying us on that path like buds ready to bloom. And to understand that the souls have chosen this lifepath long before they came into their bodily form, to understand that time is not linear but fluid, that death is the greatest illusion, that fear is the lowest frequency of being which steals from us and cuts our true umbilical cord with the elements of life, to understand that we are Witches blessed and gifted with all powers of the Perfect Creation in order to live and adore our given moment of being on Earth by fertilizing it with life-bearing essence.